What is Holistic Health?

Holistic means WHOLE. It’s the whole of who you are. It’s looking at all aspects of your life, like your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Once you step back and see your life from a more holistic view, you can see how things are connected and affect each other. Holistic health focuses on prevention, and encourages a lifestyle that aligns with nature. It’s also getting to the root of the problem, instead of only treating symptoms.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is nature based living, and a place where science and spirituality meet. It’s an ancient system of wellness that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda is the self care aspect of yoga, and is translated as “The Knowledge of Life” (Ayur = Life and Veda = knowledge or wisdom). This ancient science is of the understanding that EVERYTHING in the Universe is made up of the 5 elements - Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth - including us! Ayurveda teaches us that we are not separate from nature, we ARE nature.

The elements are condensed into 3 combined pairs that are a unique blueprint called a constitution or dosha.

Vata (ether + air) - responsible for the movement and communication of the body and mind

Pitta (fire + water) - responsible for digestion, metabolism, and energy production

Kapha (Water + Earth) - responsible for structure and stability of the body, and lubrication of the joints

The doshas are like the primary colors. Every color is made up the primary colors, and the doshas work in the same way. Everyone and everything is made up of the doshas, just in different percentages. Once you know your dosha (and more specifically your doshic imbalances), you know how to take care of yourself (diet, exercise, self care practices. etc.) that will meet your own unique needs.

The goal of Ayurveda is to support your body, mind, and spirit holistically, live in alignment with nature, and get in touch with your true nature.

As a Holistic Health and Ayurveda Wellness Coach, I offer lifestyle support, education, encouragement and accountability in the areas where you may feel imbalanced. You let me know what your health goals are, and I help you get there! I help you prioritize your self care, and assist in making simple diet and lifestyle changes that have the potential to make profound changes in your life.  As a health educator and wellness guide, I meet you where you are.  My mission is to help you bring more awareness into your life, and be a reminder that the best gift you can give others is the best version of yourself!  I help you step into your power of creativity, and empower you to create the life you want!  

I combine general holistic health and Ayurveda with all of my health coaching 1-on-1 programs and workshops.

Every program I create is 100% customized to your unique, individual goals. Most importantly, I hold space for you to learn and grow!

Here are some examples of ways I can support you through coaching:

  • Create sustainable daily self care routines

  • Food education, and building confidence in the kitchen for more home cooked meals

  • Meal planning and organization

  • Find movement that brings you joy

  • Help you discover your unique gifts

  • Help you understand that rest is how you balance busyness

  • Create habits that support quality sleep

  • Learn healthy ways to manage stress and anxiety

  • Creating meaningful spiritual practices that resonate with your own heart

  • More awareness of how you spend your time and energy

  • Worthiness of self care…YES, you are worthy of self care!

Live your life like a ‘thank you.’



Develop your body



Expand your mind



Nurture your heart &

cultivate your soul