My personal health journey


In order to share my health journey, I have to start at my unhealthy hardships.  The lowest point of my health was when I was in college. I was on the collegiate Synchronized Skating Team at Bowling Green State University and was very active, yet 25-30 pounds heavier and had zero energy. I had major anxiety, felt depressed, ate terrible, had problems sleeping, struggled to stay focused at school, and was overwhelmed with loneliness.  Instead of becoming a stronger skater, after years and years of figure skating, I got weaker and less motivated.  Every time I had to squeeze myself into a tight, little dress and perform on the ice, all my insecurities would come to the surface.  It was like my chubby body covered up all of the uncomfortable feelings I was not willing to face.  At that time I thought that ordering cheese stuffed breadsticks at 2:00am would make me feel better, but really I just wanted to feel “full” of something else that I felt was missing. Not only were my parents going through a divorce, but I also had no idea what I wanted to do as a career.  I felt directionless, and it seemed like everyone else moved through life gracefully.  My negative dialogue with myself was the only thing I could hear. I was unaware of it at the time, but the most detrimental thing to my health was my self doubt. 

Fast forward a few years when I graduated college and was living with a girlfriend.  I discovered a yoga studio that was right around the corner from me.  I ended up working at the front desk and was able to practice all I wanted.  I instantly loved the movement of yoga, and realized that I had discovered a tool that got me out of my head and into my body. With the change in my energy from my practice, I cleaned up my diet and noticed my body changing.  I started to make connections, like what I ate effected how I felt.  Underneath the extra weight was strength I had never seen before. I felt curious and noticed my mind was shifting too. For the first time in my life, I used my breath to feel better. I started to learn what awareness was and found a new kind of calm and clarity. This awareness grew.  I learned that yoga means to yoke and create a sense of connection, and my connection to myself is what was healing.

Early on in my practice I felt called to teach.  Connecting with students and sharing the practice that was healing me was powerful.  I grew more confident and accepting of myself.  I was beginning to see that every little positive change made me feel better.  I was eating less processed food, incorporating more whole foods that come from the Earth, enjoying home cooking, strengthening my body and mind through yoga, feeling creative through teaching, making amazing connections with my community and deepening my relationships.  I continued to feel more aware, connected and whole.  

Fast forward to marriage and two kids.  Life became harder to balance.  I loved being a mom and taking care of my children, but felt had less time for “me.”  It was harder to eat healthy and keep my yoga practice steady, and overtime my home changed.  My marriage became unhealthy, and while my body looked healthy and strong, my mind was a mess.  For the first time ever I realized that relationships effected health.  

I eventually left my unhealthy marriage and stepped into the unknown…terrified!  I felt the stress of rebalancing life as a single mom and juggling both roles of the breadwinner and the caretaker. It was a struggle to be there for my kids, and try to heal myself from the devastation of my divorce at the same time.  This was such a painful time.  I had to pick myself up again, brush myself off and rebuilt my whole life.  It was hard and scary.  I mourned the loss of what I thought family was.   

Overtime, I became aware of how important it was to take care of myself.  I see that when I am calm, my kids are calm…when I am joyful, my kids are joyful…when I am able to go with the flow, my kids are easily able to adapt.  I notice that my energy and attitude means a lot.  They are watching me closely to see how I respond.  I am their example, and I want to be a healthy one.  I continuously give myself permission to take care of myself and prioritize my health.  By doing this, I am a better mom.  The best gift I could give my kids is the best version of myself.  Feeling healthy, happy, alive and grateful is what I want to model for them. By committing to self care and self love, I am doing the humans that I love the most a huge favor. 

My health journey is never ending because I am always learning and growing. I not only optimize my health by feeding my body and mind in positive ways, but most importantly feeding my soul. Becoming a health coach has lead me to my passion and purpose, and is how I live my life like a “thank you.” I am passionate about this message of self care and am here to serve, inspire and empower others on a path to health and happiness. My mission is to spread this message and lovingly remind others that changing ourselves changes the world around us.  

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands; one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”

- Audrey Hepburn

My values:

Health, Spirituality, Authenticity, Creativity, Family, Fun, Adventure, Joy and Gratitude,

My strengths:

My curiosity, nurturing nature, ability to hold space for others, and simplifying complex concepts

What brings me joy:

The moments when I remember that my true nature is SPIRIT, peace and quiet, nature, being a mother, my family and friendships, learning, getting to do what I LOVE, which is educate, support and inspire others, live music, sunshine, being creative, movement like yoga and dance, poetry, cooking, traveling


Health Advocate &

Wellness Guide

I am a certified Holistic Health Coach - graduate of The Institute of Integrative Nutrition in 2020, and Ayurveda Wellness Coach, 300 hour - graduate of The Shakti School -2023. Becoming a health coach is my contribution to improving the health care system, and a way to encourage others to be their own health advocate. Instead of fixing and treating dis-ease, we can focus our attention on prevention and maintaining good health!

Student first, then a teacher.

My first yoga practices took place in my living room, when I was in high school. I would practice with a DVD, and at the time, I just saw yoga as physical. I was a competitive figure skater at the time and was already quite flexible. It was yoga that taught me the beautiful balance between strength AND flexibility. I didn’t develop a real, committed practice until after I graduated college. It was my body that changed at first…then my mind…then the way I took care of myself. Yoga lead me down a path of greater self love, acceptance, and expanded consciousness. I am grateful for this ancient practice that helps me deepen my relationship with myself and others.

I have been teaching since 2009, and am incredilby passionate about teaching yoga and educating others about holistic ways of living. I am a Certified 200 hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher and 300 hour Ayurveda Wellness Coach. I also enjoy teaching kids and tweens.


Happiness is the highest form of health. - Dalai Lama

Learn to ask for help

Do you know exactly what you should be doing to reach your health goals and aren’t doing it?

What’s missing is SUPPORT!