A bedtime story for you to remember your LOVE

In the summer of 2020 I was diagnosed with Melanoma.  A small, innocent looking mole on my chest had to be removed, in order to prevent the cancer from getting worse.  I was grateful my dermatologist caught it early, but was a bit surprised at the invasive surgery required.  What was even more surprising was the scar in the middle of my chest that remained.  

Joking around my surgeon said, "you should make up a cool story about your scar!"  And because I love a creative challenge...I did.  

As a way to find peace and acceptance in my new body marking, I decided to write a fictional story for all ages.  I was nudged to turned the ugliness of cancer and a bumpy scar, into something creative and imaginative.  

May this story inspire you to be an alchemist; turning what's negative into something positive.  Our minds can stretch in incredible ways if we allow it to!  

This story is dedicated to Vivian & Reed

Once upon a time there was a brave, adventurous mother. She loved to travel and see the wonders of the world. The day had finally come where her children were old enough to join her on her exotic travels, so she planned a trip to explore the magical jungles of Asia. She had been there many times before, but each trip felt new and wondrous.

As soon as the spirited family arrived on new soil, they booked a private tour to see the rainforest wild life and discover the treasures of the jungle. They hiked along, staring at all the beautiful flora and fauna. The bright green colors of the trees and the mystery of the misty air made everything feel like a dream. They curiously listened to all of the sounds the forest made, and observed how the animals seems to talk to one another. The mother and her kids where in awe of the amazing beauty, and felt profoundly connected to the natural world that surrounded them. 

All of a sudden the heavy rains of the rainforest came pouring down. The buckets of water were so fierce, it made it hard to see. As everyone ran for cover, the group accidentally split up. They were no longer in the safety of the tour guide. Fortunately, the mother had her children close by her side. 

Once the rain stopped and it was easier to see, the family started to walk to find their group. Unexpectedly, an unfamiliar sound purred behind a tree. The protective mother froze and grabbed her children closer. Deep in her bones she knew that danger was coming. They all turned around and right in front of them stood a ferocious looking wild tiger! Her stripes were magnificent, but terrifying at the same time. The children screamed!...but the mother took a deep breath. Without any hesitation, she stared the tiger in the eye, showing her opponent that SHE was the one to fear.

The tiger did not back down. She ROARED even louder and started to show aggression. The mother watched as the tiger danced around them, bending its joints like it was ready to pounce.

All of a sudden the tiger sprung forward with its sharp claws leading the way. The brave mother intuitively leapt forward at the same time, leading with her chest. She closed her eyes and ached her back, fully trusting that the love she had for her children was the most power force ever.

The two animals; one wild and one human, collided. Only a single nail of the tiger’s claw swept across the woman’s chest. Her skin split open, and blood trickled down her body. Any higher and the tiger’s claw would have slit her throat. Any lower and it’s claws would have punctured her heart. She took the risk to save her children and trusted in the power of her unconditional LOVE. 


The tiger roared again, but this time in pain. After slashing the mother’s chest, at an attempt to make her lunch, the tiger fell to the ground defeated. It’s paw dripped in the mother’s blood...but what was injured was its will to fight. The tiger backed down, slowing moving away from the mother. The mother’s stare communicated an unspoken demand. “DON’T mess with my babies!”

The tiger ran away, and the children ran into their mother’s arms. She fell for the ground exhausted, but relieved. They embraced each other and cried. 

Shortly after the incident they found their tour guide. Luckily, they were by a village where the women got her open wound cleaned and stitched. The tour guide and the villagers could not believe the story of this fearless mother protecting her youth. They declared her a warrior and blessed her tiger scar. She is now known throughout the land as the Tiger Goddess Her bravery inspires many and her tale reminds us all how STRONG and FEARLESS our love is.  

Be well,


What is a PRAYER?


A poem for those who suffer from INSOMNIA...plus some sleep tips!