A poem for those who suffer from INSOMNIA...plus some sleep tips!

DISCLAIMER:  I do not have perfect heath.  Although I prioritize self care and am very committed to my health and well being, I still struggle with imbalances.  Part of why I love being a health educator, is that when I help others, I am helping myself at the same time. 

My biggest struggle is sleep.  My pattern of restless nights has been occurring for as long as I can remember.  I even write this today with a lingering heaviness and a prayer that I will have energy to make it through the day.  My sleep patterns ebb and flow.  Although I am grateful that I can experience a full nights sleep at times, my insomnia continues to be both frustrating and depleting.  

During my wakeful nights, I turn to prayer for relief from my insomnia.  I realize that insomnia is a common problem, which is why I include all of the other people in the world who are also struggling to find a restful nights sleep, and may be tossing and turning the same time that I am.  

I woke up the other day (after a full nights sleep surprisingly!), and this poem popped into my head.  It is a prayerful poem for all of us who struggle with insomnia.  

For the ones who are awake....

May our bones be heavy with deep rest

May our muscles get as soft as our pillows 

May our minds be as calm as the ocean of our breath

May our worries dissolve like the memories of our dreams

May we find acceptance in the never ending to-do list

May we end the day knowing we did our absolute best

May we give grace to our imperfections and forgive our mistakes 

May our beds provide comfort and be a space to hold our sacredness

May our nervous systems be soothed by the presence of the Divine

May we find the courage to let go and surrender to life's beautiful unfolding

May we find the deep peace that we wish for others

May we untie the anxieties and fears that are knotted in our tangled sheets 

May we relax in the way that we deserve 

May this nights rest restore our body's, rejuvenate our mind's, and renew our spirits 

May we sleep well, and wake up with the energy to share our gifts with the world 

By Shannon Sabol  

*Feel free to share this with loved ones who struggle with insomnia!  

Sleep (or lack of sleep) effects EVERYTHING!....from your energy, mood, digestion, mental clarity, etc.  Ayurveda, the ancient healing system that I have been studying all year, says that sleep is one of the Pillars of Health (with Food and Wise Use of Energy being the other two).  Here are a few Sleep Tips that may help you find more Zzzzzzz......

- Unplug from all devices at least hour before bed.  Melatonin, one of the hormones that regulate our sleep cycle, is released between 9pm and 10pm.  Blue lights from electronics signal to our body's to stay awake, and can suppress melatonin, which keeps us awake.

- Do leg's-up-the-wall pose before bed to activate your relaxation response and turn on your parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest), which turns off our sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight).  

- End the night with a night time reflection, focusing on what you DID do (Ex: I drank extra water today, I ate my lunch undistracted, instead of at my computer, I made a home cooked meal for my family, ), instead of what you didn't do (Ex:  I didn't have time to send that email....or make that appointment...or run that errand).  Think glass half full, instead of half empty!    

- Go to bed by 10pm.  Our bodies naturally cleanse themselves between the hours of 10pm and 2am.  Staying up past 10pm uses that mental energy to stay awake, instead of detoxing the body.   

- If you do have moments of waking up at night, try a 1:2 ration breath.  Ex:  Inhale for the count of 3, slight hold, and exhale to the count of 6.  You could even try a 4 count inhale, and a 8 count exhale.  This simple breathing practice also helps to turn on the parasympathetic nervous system.  

- Remember the power of your mind!!!  You are what you believe.  If you call yourself a "bad sleeper," you will be a "bad sleeper."  If you call yourself a "good sleeper," you will be a "good sleeper!"  

Here's to a restful nights sleep for us all!  

Be well,


A bedtime story for you to remember your LOVE


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