Grateful for the STRUGGLE

There is a part of me that is a fiercely devoted mother. This part of me is committed to getting my kids ready and off to school in the morning, putting a nutritious home cooked meal on the table every night, chaperones field trips, and will drop everything to help organize a spontaneous lemonade stand.

There is another part of me that wants to be an independent and successful business owner. This part of me LOVES the creative entrepreneur life, is always manifesting new projects, has a desire to financially and professionally expand, and will sneak away and hide in the bathroom if I get a whisper of inspiration for a post.

Sometimes there is conflict between these 2 parts. They both want more attention and energy. The “mother” side feels the need to be present, engaged and emotionally supportive through every up and down. The “business” side is passionate, full of ideas and is eager to grow into my authentic and unique expression as a professional.

Instead of complaining about this struggle to balance these really important part of myself, I have decided to be GRATEFUL for the struggle. I GET to do both… a very involved mother AND create something that excites my spirit….even though it’s hard to balance the two.

When those moments of overwhelm and imbalance creep in, I say a simple prayer: “I am grateful for the struggle. I balance life to the best of my ability.”

My “mother side” doesn’t need the guilt of thinking she’s not involved enough or present enough. My “mother” side needs someone who creates an example of wholeness; who accepts all parts of herself…flaws and all.

My “business side” doesn’t need a critic to judge my process. She doesn’t need to be filled with doubt about failure or scarcity. My “business side” needs to be confident in my gifts, authentic in my messages, and brave enough to push past what’s uncomfortable.

I can allow the “mother” side and “business” side to be at battle with one another, OR I can simply make space for them both. I can trust that they both make each other stronger and happier, and that strength and happiness is the best gift I can give the ones I love.

Be well,



Healing Through Haikus: How I used creativity to move through my grief