“I am a better version of myself”

I first met Shannon at a yoga class.  I completely broke down at some point in the class, due to all the heavy feelings I had and still was not addressing after my divorce.  I was in a dark place physically and mentally.  I reached out to Shannon to help me through my grieving process, and to get me on a healthy track; spiritually, mentally, and physically.  

I committed to her 6 month program and it was the journey I needed at this time in my life.  She helped me with my negative/hurt mindset by helping me learn to be soft and forgiving with myself.  She helped me understand that taking care of myself wasn’t selfish at all.  Her kindness, patience, love, compassion, understanding and drive all make it worth it!  I am a better version of myself because of her holding me accountable for getting myself back on track.  She was the needed catalyst!

Michelle B, Coaching Client


“I can't say enough about how she helped me”


“I truly feel as though I’m walking the path for the first time in my life.”