
Hi there! 

My name is Shannon,

creator of

Grateful Life Health Coaching + Yoga

I am a certified Ayurveda Wellness Coach and Yoga Teacher, and LOVE all things ancient! Ayurveda means Science of Life, and is the world’s oldest system of wellness. I love sharing this ancient wisdom to modern women, and help them apply it to their lives in practical ways. Self care is the ultimate self love!

Who I serve:

I am especially passionate about supporting busy moms who are trying to do it all!

  • Moms that need to learn how to nourish themselves

  • Moms that feel like their body’s are telling them to slow down, but their mind’s are telling them to do more!

  • Moms that are ready to create a positive relationship to food

  • Moms who are looking for self care to be simple and practical

  • Moms that want to access joy and pleasure (beyond their families)

  • Moms that are ready to let go of the guilt for taking time for themselves

  • Moms that desire a more regulated nervous system and quiet headspace

  • Moms that yearn to sleep through the night and have sustained energy through out the day

  • Moms that seek a healthier, more positive and loving relationship with themselves

  • Moms that want to explore ways of brining more sacredness to the everydayness of motherhood

  • Moms that want to feel empowered, confident, and in love with life!

It’s possible to fully show up for you family AND maintain a strong sense of self…you don’t have to choose one or the other!


Ayurveda is a lifestyle. It’s OFF THE MAT YOGA and embodied education that brings you back into a state of balance. This ancient wisdom nourishes the body, mind and spirit, and believes that health and harmony are your natural state.

This 5,000 year old holistic science is simple and rooted in natural living. It’s all about embracing your individuality (unlike a one size fits all approach to health!), and helps you discover the wisdom of your own body.

As an Ayurveda Wellness Coach, I offer education and lifestyle support that’s way beyond diet and exercise. Through Ayurveda, you can find greater nourishment though food, movement and daily routines, sleep more soundly, improve digestion, sustain your energy, access greater joy, and enhance your spiritual life.

It’s time to let go of the “mom guilt”…you deserve to be nourished too!

The best LOVE that you can give your loved ones, is the best version of YOU. By making healthy, positive and productive shifts in yourself, you change the world around you.

Testimonial from a Coaching Client

“Shannon’s approach to coaching is truly a partnership. She is a coach, but also a teacher, a friend, and an inspiration.  At the core of Shannon’s coaching is always respect and kindness. The commitment to her program was a fantastic decision and far exceeded my expectations. The tools and pearls that I have gained from Shannon have not only applied to my personal goals of growth and evolution but have also had positive influences, much like a ripple effect, on my interactions and relationships with colleagues, employees, family, and friends. 

She is well versed and knowledgeable in a variety of disciplines. During each session, I learned something new, intriguing, and relevant. Shannon has helped me to see my life through a crisper and sharper lens while equipping me with tools to start each day with a better version of myself - one day at a time.”

- Jennifer P.

Testimonial from a Coaching Client

I had the joy of working with Shannon and received her health coaching for 6 months. I can't say enough about she helped me to be the change I was seeking in my life, prioritize areas for growth and adjust my daily routines, and most importantly...find more joy!

I recently started a new, heavy but fulfilling job and Shannon's wellness coaching helped me to get my feed solidly on the ground while maintaining the work-life balance that I needed. 

As a person who wants to work on everything at once, she helped me to slow down and make small, sustainable changes. We started by looking at the all areas of my life and identifying a place to start. 

Thorough the process, I felt both supported, reminded and challenged to reflect and improve the areas of my life where I identified the most unhappiness. By the end of the 6 months I reported improvement in all areas, including health, home organization, joy, finances, and home cooking. I have new tools in my toolbox now including planning to plan, habit stacking, and yoga nidra. 

The wellness coaching shows up in my family life as more patience, exercise before 7 am (which seemed impossible 6 months ago) more nutritions (and easy) meals, better schedule coordination, more stress-resilience, more joy, and laying on the floor quietly amidst the chaos or mindfully petting our rabbit in the morning. I have incorporated a few ayurvedic practices and am excited to learn more about it!

I won't pretend that everything in my life is perfect, indeed it can never be but Shannon reminded me to see the successes already present in my life and approach everything with grace and self-forgiveness. I am sad the 6 months is over but was happy to learn that I can schedule a check-in as needed. 
Thank you Shannon. You are truly a positive light in the world and a reminder to all of us to focus on what is truly important.

- Angela Y.

Schedule a FREE 20 minute Clarity Call to see if we are a good fit to work together.