My word for 2023: SIMPLE

We've all seen or heard the phrase K.I.S.S.  - Keep Is Simple, Stupid!....but because I'm all about promoting self love and self compassion, how about we upgrade the phrase to Keep It Simple, Sweetie!  Doesn't that have a nicer ring to it?  

For the last few years, before the official start of the new year, I've chosen a word as an intention.  This word is not just a word I want to cultivate or manifest, but more like a remembering...a remembering of something that I already know to be true.  I truly believe that we all have a deep inner knowing, and sometimes this deep inner knowing is wisdom that's just been covered up.  

This year I decided on the word SIMPLE.  This fast paced, complicated world we live in has made me forget how to live a simple life.  I love the quote "When things aren’t adding up in your life – start subtracting."  - Unknown 

Ironically, sometimes simple requires more mindfulness and awareness, and the ability to discern if you should add or subtract.  It's being able to ask "Will this energize my life or leave me feeling depleted?  Will this enhance my life, or will is just make more work in the end?"   

I've noticed that I've been drawn to looking at tiny houses and cabins on social media.  I love watching the time lapse videos of these minimalistic homes, where they give a tour and highlight the beautiful and clean designs, efficient organization, and minimal "stuff."  Usually these videos also show someone laying in a hammock and reading a book, or journaling on their front porch, overlooking the woods.  This tiny home life is appealing to me!  I see it as: less "stuff" = more time for joy and relaxation.  To me, simplicity also means less stress!  

Another reason I was drawn to SIMPLE was because I continue to see the magic of SIMPLICITY work wonders with my health coaching clients.  It's been amazing to witness the little, simple changes they made in their lifestyle, and what a BIG difference it's had on their daily lives.

Here are just a few examples:

- A SIMPLE shift in time:  I have a client that would wake up and instantly start watching the news...and keep it on for HOURS!  ALL DAY!  After making a commitment to have a more positive and uplifting start of the day, they decided to use their morning for self care instead.  They waited to watch the news in the afternoon, and by doing this, they experienced less anxiety, more joy, and was even more hopeful about the future.  They didn't give up the news entirely, just adjusted the time they were watching it.  

- A SIMPLE shift in noticing:  Another client shared with me that they struggle with taking care of other's needs before their own.  They admitted that they waited to go to the bathroom, and held it to the point of discomfort, just so they could tend to the needs of others first.  It's no surprise that this client also complained of constipation problems.  We talked about the simple practice of listening to their body, and responding to their body's natural urges (like peeing when they had to pee...and pooping when they had to poop!).  They later felt more confident in creating boundaries, and communicating their needs to other.  They also got better at listening to their body and what it was communicating to them.

- A SIMPLE shift in attention:  There was a client I worked with who had a lot of stress and anxiety.  They struggled with feeling scattered all of the time, and craved feeling more grounded.  We talked about how eating undistracted could help support their nervous system (and digestion!).  They created a goal of sitting down to eat, verses eating on the go, or mindless snacking.  So when they were eating...they were just eating...nothing else.  By taking time to sit down to eat, they not only enjoyed their food more, but also had some time to reflect on the day.  With that simple shift, they felt more focused and relaxed, and had a little slice of "me time."

- A SIMPLE shift in energy:  A client that was dissatisfied with their finances, noticed a connection with their home cooking.  They ate out a lot, which meant they spend a lot of money on food.  After discussing ways to get more organized with meal planning and more confident in the kitchen, this client was able to improve their health with more home cooked meals, save time, energy, AND money!  

- A SIMPLE shift in priorities:  One client said that they desired a more peaceful life.  We talked through their day and where their energy was going, and through the process they realized that they were addicted to their phone.  They admitted that they engaged with their phone, pretty early in their day...usually during their morning poop!  With the suggestion of being less quick to engage with the outside world, and have a peaceful, screen-less poop, they were able to create more time for self care and establish a morning routine that supported their goal of having a more peaceful life.  They replaced the longer bathroom visit with some time on their yoga mat, and also supported their goal of physical activity.  

All of these little shifts are simple...maybe not easy...but SIMPLE.  These simple lifestyle changes brought more joy, peace, focus, relaxation, healthier boundaries and communication, improved health and more money in the bank!  

“Let us learn to live simply, so that others may simply live.”

— Mahatma Gandh

I am here to help you remember that simple works!  Simple can make profound changes in your life.  As a holistic health coach, I offer education, support and inspiration.  I can help you look at your life in a holistic way...the WHOLE of who you are, beyond diet and exercise.  I can also help you get clear on what YOUR word is for this upcoming year.  

I offer FREE 50 minute health consultations, in-person or virtual.  Contact me to set something up, and get a better idea of how I can support you!

Here’s to more simplicity in 2023!  More stillness to balance the movement...more quiet to balance the noise...more rest to balance the busyness!  Happy New Year!  

Be well, 


I lost it on my kids this morning…


Collective Compassion for MOMS