“I came to Shannon for help with processing some high impact losses in my life.

Working with Shannon over the last 6 months has helped improve all ares of my life: spiritual, physical, emotional and professional. She has provided concrete ways of holding myself accountable to my goals so I can actually achieve them! But the real gift of Shannon’s work is her spiritual practice which shines through in every session we have: it is unique, powerful and extremely insightful. Worth mentioning is that I have always felt safe. This type of work is very personal and sometimes quite painful and I’ve always felt Shannon respects my journey.”

-Joanna H. Virtual 6 Month Health Coaching Client

“There is such a gentle light in her that she imparts on others. I’m confident that the skills, mindset and rituals we have created and honored in our time together will long endure to help me meet my personal and professional goals”

- Kshama W. Virtual 6 Month Health Coaching Client

What Clients Are Saying


“I have known Shannon for many years from the yoga studio we both attended and she was always such a shining light in the room. I watched her from afar via social media pursue Health Coaching certification, start her own business, balance motherhood, overcome the day to day challenges of life, and always with a vibrant smile. 

About 8 months ago I went through a devastatingly hard, life changing event. I didn’t have any idea how I was going to make it through and I was desperate for help. Upon the suggestion of a friend, I gave Shannon a call to see if she might be able to talk with me and what program options she offered. I went into our initial conversation naively saying “Shannon, listen I’m not really here to talk about my health and wellness. I’m satisfied with both. I really just need your advice on how to navigate this one specific life event”

Shannon spent some time explaining to me that there are many components that create a Healthy Life, not just what you eat and how you exercise. I wasn’t at all convinced, but I was grasping to any help. In that moment, I leaned-in and committed to the full 6 month program.

Shannon and I spent the next 6 months talking about things that create joy, spirituality, creativity, relationships, etc… She always left me with a homework assignment at the end of each meeting and held me accountable to the homework assignment results. We practiced using a number of “tools”, some that stuck and some that failed miserably. But my personal growth flourished.

Bottom line is I never knew I could have this much joy in my life and I owe so much to Shannon for helping me get to the place I’m at now. I didn’t know I could be this happy and what I thought was a devastatingly hard situation ended up being the biggest blessing I could imagine.”

— Jennifer G.

6 Month Program Health Coaching Client

“It is incredible to look back and reflect upon these last 6 months that I worked with Shannon and to observe the changes that I have made in my life and in the way that I feel. I have wanted to make significant changes to my health for quite some time but never knew quite where to start or how to stay on track. Shannon provided the framework and accountability in order to finally work towards my goals. She helped me to view my health from a holistic mindset and I was able to see how creating balance in multiple areas of my life affects my physical, mental and emotional health. Not only did I clean up my eating, improve my sleep, reduce anxiety, gain confidence and get on the path to losing weight and increasing energy but I also explored meditation, Ayurvedic techniques and pursued other interests that I wouldn’t have been able to create the space for previously. 


Shannon lovingly guided and encouraged me to trust my intuition and remember my “why” anytime I lost momentum or stumbled along the way. Shannon truly has a gift – she brings positivity, passion, and a wealth of knowledge to every session. With her guidance I feel like I have finally discovered what health feels like and I am so grateful to her for all of our time together working on my goals. I am so excited about continuing my health journey and feel so lucky that I got to benefit from Shannon’s expertise.”

- Kim G. 6 Month Health Coaching Client

“Most of us don’t realize how important our health is until we experience a dramatic change. I was involved in an accident about four years ago, which had a profound effect on my life. Some aspects of my health were diminished due to the physical damage. However, other areas of my health have improved because of the knowledge I pursued and care activities I incorporated. The accident forced me to make health a priority and for that I am extremely grateful.

I signed up for Shannon’s 6 month health coaching program because I wanted to optimize my overall health so that I could feel like my best self. Specifically, I wanted to make changes to reduce brain fog, experience more moments of joy, and lower stress and anxiety. Shannon helped me work towards my goals by identifying opportunities for improvement, providing helpful tips/insight, creating action plans together, and supporting me throughout my journey.

Since I started working with Shannon, I learned that committing to small changes in diet, exercise, and mindfulness can produce powerful results. I also learned that I can find balance in any situation.

Shannon is very passionate about health and wellness. She is dedicated to helping her clients achieve their goals and provides an uplifting presence through her joy and encouragement.

I believe opportunity exists for every person to make improvements to their overall health and well being. I recommend working with Shannon because health truly is the foundation of success and happiness!”

- Aaron G.

6 Month Program, Health Coaching Client

“When I began working with Shannon it wasn’t what I was looking for, but was what I needed (and didn’t know it). I was looking for rigid meal plans and exercise plans, but instead she offered something more valuable: connecting with the roadblocks that stop you from achieving your goals. She helped me discover that I was actually hungry for more connection with family friends, not food. And helped me be gentler with myself and others. She was also a wealth of knowledge about anything from meal planning and list making to social media timers and spiritual guidance. And yoga, of course yoga! She helped me see the value in making small steps that make permeant changes for healthy happier life.”


- Anonymous 36 year old female, 6 Month Health Coaching Client

“After running myself into the ground with the stress and anxiety that came along with the end of my marriage, I decided it was time to get some help and become a healthier, happier version of me. I knew I needed to eat healthier, sleep more, improve my time management skills, exercise more regularly and about twenty other things. Tackling all of this seemed overwhelming and that is what let me to reach out to Shannon. I knew she had the skills and knowledge necessary to advise me on a number of these areas I was looking to improve. That decision turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself. What I came away with after working with Shannon for only a few months far exceeded any expectations I had going into the program. My only regret was not reaching out to her sooner. Shannon is one of the most sincere, smart and caring people I have ever had the pleasure of working with.” 

— Matt

6 Month Program Health Coaching Client

“Shannon did not direct my health goals. She actively listened and helped guide me with her knowledge to strategic and realistic goals based on my concerns. That’s not to say, she wasn’t firm or consistent in her aiding to “keep me honest,” but she was always kind, nonjudgemental and productive.

Part of my health journey was to identify my primary and secondary food goals; what was lacking and abundant in my life. Through working with Shannon, I felt energized, “heard,” and organized on my health journey. From the most minor health tweaks, to more major lifestyle changes, she helped to make my health journey fun, exciting, consistent and long lasting!”

— Victoria P.

3 Month Program Health Coaching Client

“I feel really blessed to have crossed paths and worked with Shannon as a Health Coach. As a person, she is beyond kind, caring, knowledgeable, thoughtful and inspiring. When you work with her there is no judgement, only a presence of genuine desire to assist you in achieving your health goals, and an offering of insight, tips and ideas to implement into your life. It’s a comfortable and safe place where you can be okay sharing and being vulnerable.

I had been feeling stagnant and stuck in my life, and feeling that I hadn’t been moving forward with dreams and goals and realized I needed to make a change. The fact that Shannon approaches her work passionately and holistically inspired me to work with her. She helped me realize that it wasn’t just food choices and exercise that mattered. It was so many other areas of my life that felt out of balance…. Work, home environment, time management, relationships and so much more. Finding balance in those helps other areas fall into place!! She also inspired me to have confidence in my talents and start to explore my dreams of starting my own business! I cannot recommend Shannon enough if you have any desire in finding ease and balance in your life and working toward a whole healthier life!”

- Rachel M. 6 Month Health Coaching Client

“After 25 years in the health care field, I decided to retire at the end of 2020. COVID was still spreading, and no one had any idea it would be another year of quarantine and masking. As things began to quiet down, I knew I had to do something, but I did not know what. My goal was to quit smoking, get healthy, and find a purpose. I was then introduced to Shannon. I was very skeptical about “health coaching.” Although I knew very little about it, Shannon made it very easy to understand. We met every other week to discuss goals, new ways to get healthy, breathing techniques, yoga, meditation, etc. I am someone who doesn’t mind trying things, so I decided to put everything into this experience and try all the strange practices she suggested. I have tried different herbs, foods, oils, broths; you name it, I tried it! Some I have incorporated into my new daily schedule, and some I just could not do. But the ones I did incorporate are working wonders. I now have a daily morning schedule and I have a private yoga lesson with Shannon each week. I quit smoking through a program at the Mayo Clinic, but could not have done so without Shannon’s help as my health coach. She has truly been a God send. My sessions ended last week, but I have decided to add 3 more months to support my continued life successes. I can now say that I believe in the process health coaching. I truly think everyone could and would benefit."

- Penny K. 6 Month Health Coaching Client

“I was introduced to Shannon having won a free yoga session with her through an event at work. I was so grateful for the time we spent in our practice together and there was something so warm in her energy. Shortly after, we embarked on a journey of Health Coaching for me over the next 6 months. Shannon met me exactly as I was at the beginning, no quick fix, no promises of some unsustainable end result. We agreed I would put the work into introspecting and coming to the table ready to discuss whatever topic was top of mind. We spent a fair bit of time unpacking my goals, what barriers keep me from attaining them thus far, and she reiterated the idea of continuous improvement Kai-zen through small iterative sustainable change, and setting my whys as a way to truly ground myself and remind myself of my purpose. 

She leads in partnership with you as you move through your sessions together. We approached many different ways to built holistic, simple rituals over time to get to my goals. Work/life balance, sleep hygiene, setting personal boundaries are some of the topics we explored together. The best part of my sessions with Shannon were the reflective moments where we would debrief on my time spent between sessions, and what lessons I had learned. I felt vulnerable, supported, encouraged, challenged to try new things and above all, celebrated every step of our journey together. She coaches with thoughtful, insightful questions to help you identify and strengthen your primary and secondary food sources to nourish your mind, body and soul. I come away with an immense sense of gratitude for her coaching and friendship. There is such a gentle light in her that she imparts on others. I’m confident that the skills, mindset and rituals we have created and honored in our time together will long endure to help me meet my personal and professional goals. Shannon, thank you for sharing your gift with me. I’m so renewed for this time spent together with you.”

- Kshama W. Virtual 6 Month Health Coaching Client

More testimonials…

“Shannon is a Joy!  Always ready with a smile, an encouraging word, her undivided attention….and that is before class begins.  I became hooked after attending her first class.  She has a knack for finding that sweet balance between the physical and spiritual sides of yoga.  Her classes flow wonderfully and naturally from pose to pose allowing for the best opportunity to challenge yourself physically working to maintain your breath while also being able to search within meditatively at the same time.  I leave wonderfully fatigued yet energized, always with a smile on my face with Shannon’s gentle voice and uplifting words still in my ears.”    

 — Don B.

Yoga Student

“I cannot say enough wonderful things about Shannon. I went to her prenatal class during all 3 of my pregnancies and it was something I looked forward to every week. Not only did I feel good physically from her class but more so really good mentality. She helped prepare me for birth but also motherhood. She makes you feel supported, empowered and strong. Thank you for everything, Shannon! Much love!”

— Katie D.

Prenatal Yoga Student

“My 3rd grade students and I have had the pleasure of hosting Miss Shannon in our virtual classroom this year for monthly yoga sessions. She connects each session to a theme or children's book that relates to emotional health, mindfulness, and positive self talk. After sharing the book with my students, Shannon will then lead us in a fun and engaging yoga session while layering in her positive messages in a calm and relaxing manner. Of course, Miss Shannon's added flair comes in with some fun and silly movement that keeps the children highly engaged. After our yoga sessions, my students are calm, refreshed and ready to dive back into our next classroom activity. The children look forward to Yoga with Miss Shannon and always ask when they will see her again! Shannon is the utmost professional! She takes time to discuss the needs of my students, plans her sessions accordingly and works within the time parameters that we have set. Some of the words that my students used to describe Miss Shannon are AWESOME, AMAZING, SUPER FUN, SWEET and my personal favorite REFRESHING! We are so lucky to have her as our classroom yoga instructor!!”

- Patrica B. 3rd Grade Elementary Teacher